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We respect and appreciate all our employees, customers, partners, and communities. As an Aleron company, Acara Solutions adheres to the policies and procedures outlined in our shared Global Human Rights Policy. We take pride in our efforts to perform every business practice and professional interaction with the highest degree of integrity.
We recognize that our business operations, such as the daily consumption and output of energy, have an impact on the environment. To minimize this impact as often as possible, we incorporate strict principles of sustainability as set forth in our Sustainability Policy. In short, we're commitment to economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
Given our presence in the human resources, talent, and recruiting solutions industry, it stands to reason that we are a people-centric company. Our commitment to people extends to the communities in which our customers, recruits, and employees work and live. To bring our corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts to life, we’ve embedded into our company culture a “give back” mentality that is personified by volunteerism, charity events, and fundraising initiatives.
See our Sustainability Policy. Read our Global Human Rights Policy.
Aleron Group is committed to giving back to the communities in which we live and work. Our economic, environmental, and social sustainability initiatives are a testament to our corporate responsibility. View our latest activities on Facebook.