Four Advantages and Disadvantages of AI in the Hiring Process

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the hiring process has sparked important conversations among job seekers and recruiters alike. While some embrace the potential advantages of AI in streamlining the recruitment process, others express concerns about its impact on candidate selection and fairness. Recruiters appreciate AI’s efficiency, objectivity, and scalability, enabling them to sift…

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Employees value in workplace

CareerBuilder, an organization specializing in revolutionizing the job search process via technology, surveyed over 2,000 Americans in April of 2022 to determine their current satisfaction with their job and other societal impacts that have affected their experience in the workforce. Of the 2,063 adults who were surveyed, 1,061 of them were employed. We’ve compiled a…

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Regret Quitting

Job offers that include benefits such as the ability to work remotely, flexible hours, and, of course, the ever-so-tempting promise of a higher salary, seem like no-brainers when it comes to leaving your current company for another in today’s corporate America. However, individuals who leave their former job for these benefits are learning that the…

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First Impression

Once the interviews and salary negotiations are over and you’ve accepted the offer, it’s easy to believe that the most stressful steps of your job search are behind you. But you’re not out of the woods yet. During the first few weeks in your new position, you’re laying the groundwork—and establishing relationships—that will prove beneficial…

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