
Welcome to the Acara recruiting blog! If you’re looking to amplify your corporate talent acquisition strategy, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve spoken to industry experts and studied the latest technology to develop a definitive resource for helpful recruiting tips, staffing best practices, and talent acquisition trends.

The Future of Contingent Work in 2024   Feature

In 2024, the outlook for contingent work remains promising as more job candidates embrace the flexibility and opportunities it offers. A recent study conducted by the American Staffing Association revealed that eight in ten job candidates foresee working for a new company in the next 12 months. This shift indicates a growing openness to contract…

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Embracing Opportunities in Semiconductor Workforce Development A Path to Sustainable Growth blog

In the dynamic landscape of workforce development, agencies have a unique opportunity to nurture talent and sustain growth. While challenges exist, these hurdles can be seen as chances for innovation and improvement. By focusing on clear strategies and leveraging recent advancements in the semiconductor industry, agencies can turn obstacles into opportunities for success. The Talent…

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Hiring Recent Grads Blog Feature Image

By Stephanie Amos Attracting Gen Z workers is more than just a trend—it’s a strategic necessity for forward-thinking organizations. This dynamic generation, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is entering the workforce with fresh perspectives, tech-savvy skills, and a strong desire for purpose-driven careers.  In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies to engage…

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How to Address The Challenges of Internal Equity   post

Internal and external equity relate to an organization’s compensation and rewards, and both are essential for an employer to attract and retain top talent. Striking a balance between the two will help create a compensation framework that motivates employees, retains top performers, and supports organizational success.  External equity refers to the fairness of a company’s…

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10 Tips for Writing a Strong Job Posting

Want to make a strong first impression on a potential candidate? Composing a clean, well-written job posting can help you do just that.  For HR and talent acquisition professionals, understanding what to include—and what not to include—in job postings can enhance overall talent attraction efforts. Here are ten tips and strategies on how to write…

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Why Employers Should Care About the Cost of Vacancy

What is the cost of vacancy?  Every position, from support to sales, has a revenue-contributing role to play in a business. And when positions stay vacant, the organization ends up paying the price. With Acara’s new Cost of Vacancy calculator, you can use the Simple Salary Multiplier formula to determine exactly how much your company’s…

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Creating an Inclusive Recruitment Process for Neurodivergent Candidates

Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in human brains and how people think, process information, and experience the world. One in five adults in the United States is neurodivergent, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette syndrome. Historically, neurodivergent individuals have faced significant challenges…

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