7 Questions to Ask in a Final Interview
So, you made it to the final round of the interview process. Congratulations!
One of the best ways to demonstrate your enthusiasm for a company you hope to join is to arrive at the final interview stage full of curiosity. Your final interview is an opportunity to be proactive in understanding:
- The pathway to long-term success at the company
- The internal workings of the company’s team and culture
- What remains between your interview and a potential job offer
One of the key moments in the final interview is when the interviewer turns the conversation over to you and asks: “Do you have any questions for me?”
You likely know how crucial this moment is, which is why you clicked to read this blog.
Here, we’ll cover seven questions that are particularly powerful for late-stage interviews. Ideally, these questions will help you uncover insights to make the final interview as impactful as possible, and clarify for you (and the interviewer) if the position is aligned.
- Has this position evolved since it was created?
This is a perfect opportunity to find out if the job description you read and expressed interest in is the same as what your day-to-day responsibilities will look like. You may also discover how many “hats” the company asks their team to wear.
- What types of soft skills do the most successful people at this organization have?
If you have made it to the final interview, your hard/technical skills have likely been evaluated and determined to be sufficient to succeed at the company. However, organizations might have unspoken expectations for the soft skills their team brings to the table. For example, do they expect more collaboration, or self-directed work and decision-making? Are employees encouraged to engage in activities outside of work, or do people typically keep to themselves and focus strictly on their jobs? This is a great opportunity to find out if their most successful people share the same approach to work that you do.
- How do you evaluate performance here?
Speaking of success, now is a great time to find out how the company defines success during performance reviews. Is it strictly upward mobility? Longevity at the company? Personal growth? A certain set of key performance indicators?
You may also find out what the organization’s process is for performance reviews—both the cadence and the implementation.
- What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenge(s) for the person who fills this position?
Every position comes with a set of challenges, and now is a great time to demonstrate that you both expect and embrace whatever those might be. Note: If your interviewer says, “No challenges!” you may interpret that as a red flag.
- How long have you been at the company and what makes you stay?
One of the secrets to interpersonal success is to keep in mind that people love to talk about themselves. Get your interviewer thinking and talking about his or her own career trajectory at the company you hope to join. Not only might it soften your interaction, but you’ll also be able to gauge the reasons for turnover and/or retention at the organization.
- Is there anything about the company culture that you are actively working to improve?
This question might feel risky, but it will allow you to assess how actively the company is investing in its culture. No organization is perfect, and an interviewer who is confident in the corporate culture will be able to recognize any imperfections and offer ways the company is addressing gaps.
- Can you tell me what steps need to be completed before your company can generate an offer?
This question is simply a spin on “When can I expect a decision?” that might give you a better idea of what will be happening internally as the company evaluates your interview performance.
Finally, remember that genuine interest is hard to fake. If the opportunity is aligned with your goals and values, your enthusiasm for the position will shine through and allow you to stand out.
Making it to the final interview of a recruitment process can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a great opportunity to demonstrate healthy curiosity and confidence in your path forward at the organization. Asking these seven questions can help you stand out in your candidacy, as well as provide you with valuable insights about the company you hope to join.