An Acara Recruiter’s Advice for Businesses, Fellow Recruiters, and Jobseekers
Acara Senior Recruitment Specialist, Kim Schultz, recently spent time with our client, Arbeit Software, to share her recommendations on what businesses, fellow recruiters, and jobseekers can do to improve the talent acquisition process for everyone involved.
For Businesses and Organizations
- Creating an office space that people don’t mind working in every day is essential, especially when hiring for call center and customer service jobs—and it doesn’t have to be over-the-top or expensive. A fresh coat of paint and comfortable chairs can make a world of difference in providing a warm and welcoming environment for employees.
- Businesses should be mindful of work-life balance, and when possible, offer flexible hours or the opportunity to work from home.
For Recruiters
- Successful recruiters approach their work like salespeople. They’re not selling products, but in pitching potential hires, they are trying to “sell” their client, hiring manager, or executive team on moving forward with the candidates they’ve selected. Recruiters are also often “selling” the job opening to candidates, especially if he or she is pursuing multiple opportunities.
- Many qualified candidates work typical business hours and can’t be reached during the day. Often, the best times to connect with people are between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. (lunchtime) and between 5 and 8 p.m., when they’re home for the evening. Effective recruiters make themselves available during the times it’s most convenient for the candidates they’re pursuing.
- Job-hopping can be a red flag for recruiters and hiring managers. But, before writing off a candidate completely based solely on a questionable job history, take time to talk with him or her, and learn more about the circumstances around each position and departure.
For Candidates and Jobseekers
- Be timely and responsive. If a recruiter requests a copy of your resume, get it to him or her as soon as you possibly can. Taking days to follow-up sends the message that you might be unreliable or uninterested.
Watch Kim’s full interview on YouTube—and thanks to our friends at Arbeit for having us!