Frank Gullo Highlights Future Social Business Jobs
I regularly speak to high school and college students about careers in business and technology. Recently, I was asked what job titles would be the most popular (and highest paying) in 5 or 10 years.
I said, “That’s easy. Those job titles don’t exist yet.”
I was being facetious but also trying to convey that the social business wave we’re experiencing today represents major change — system level change — that will transform employment across all functional areas.
More and more business leaders understand this and have invested in growing “social media and social methodologies into the organization to drive business impact” (building on the definition of social business articulated by Charlene Li and Brian Solis).
This investment in social business by organizations is resulting in revamped job descriptions and never-before-seen positions to emphasize the importance of business networking, social insight and affinity, mobile and cloud, and analytics and evidence-based business thinking.
This is evident in the many jobs that simply didn’t exist ten or even five years ago. For example, below are ten job titles that have been propelled by social business.
Big Data Developer/Analyst – Big data is here and has created a need for a new breed of analyst, with proficiency in statistical analysis and regression-based modeling.
Community Manager – One of the first social business positions, community managers typically oversee the development, operation, and promotion of social community platforms.
Chief Social Officer – As companies seek to transform into social businesses, the CSO will emerge as a counterpart to the CMO to champion all social initiatives.
Cloud Engineer – As we’re seeing already and in the years ahead, more IT positions will focus on cloud as a core requirement, and cloud engineers will be responsible for providing cloud service development, implementation, operations, and advanced troubleshooting.
Director of Privacy – It’s difficult to discuss social business at length today without addressing security and privacy. Social business will require more functional expertise in these areas and directors of privacy will provide leadership on all aspects of privacy and data protection.
Manager of Web Analytics – 10 years ago there were very few jobs in analytics. Today, web analytics is just one type of analytics job.
Mobile Applications Developer – Mobile is a pillar of social business, and the pillar is made up of apps and the mobile web. Mobile application developers are typically responsible for leading the design, development, and maintenance of mobile websites and device apps.
Senior Program Manager Voice of Customer – Social business has enabled rich engagement with customers while delivering behavioral and attitudinal insight. Social business has led to the creation of positions focused on improving the customer experience, with the ultimate goal of ingraining the voice of the customer in business decisions to create customer loyalty.
Social Business Analyst – Business analyst positions aren’t new but social business analysts will be required to understand and apply principles of social business while assessing the organization’s processes and systems.
Visualization Specialist – With so much social business data, visualization specialists will help us make sense of it all, through charts, dashboards, infographics, and rich media.
The above positions are just a sampling of what’s to come as more and more businesses become social businesses. What social business jobs do you foresee in the years ahead?