The Evolution of the Workforce [Infographic]


The workforce as we know it is changing. The rise of the millennial generation and the forthcoming retirement of the boomer generation are the next great shifts.  But, as the economy surges, there has been a notable skills gap in the labor market at large. Looking at the numbers, gains in various sectors are seen, as well as deepening lulls.

Throughout the first quarter of 2015, we have been compiling various workforce data points to get a better handle on trends, and what to look for in 2015 and beyond.

Using industry data from CareerBuilder and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Superior has identified:

  • New and Developing Job Sectors
  • Demographic Shifts
  • The Supply/Demand of Talent
  • Solutions Companies are Using

For your convenience, we’ve illustrated these findings within one scrolling infographic:
