
Acara in Buffalo Business First: What You Need to Know in Today’s Tight Labor Market

The Buffalo-Niagara economy is entering an era of significant opportunity, as evidenced by the area’s 3.8% unemployment rate posted in September—the lowest it has been since October 2001. With a growing economy comes new challenges and stress points, however.

Scott Stenclik, CEO of Acara and Aleron Shared Resources, recently shared his insights with Buffalo Business First about how employers can win the “war for talent,” given the increasing number of opportunities that candidates can access in today’s tightening labor market.

“Employers should not be focused on embracing the stereotypes of any generation,” Stenclik advised. “If they do that then they become self-limiting and the applicant pool just gets smaller. Having a very open mind with all the shifting demographics in the workforce increases the likelihood that companies will find the talent they need.”

Read the full story at Buffalo Business First.