The Future of Contingent Work in 2024   Feature

In 2024, the outlook for contingent work remains promising as more job candidates embrace the flexibility and opportunities it offers. A recent study conducted by the American Staffing Association revealed that eight in ten job candidates foresee working for a new company in the next 12 months. This shift indicates a growing openness to contract…

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What Job Seekers Should Know About Aerospace and Defense Hiring

Considering a career in the aerospace and defense industry, or thinking about exploring new opportunities? You’re in luck.  The aerospace and defense industry directly employs over 2.5 million people in the U.S. and accounts for an additional 17 million indirect jobs, according to the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA).  The industry is supported by a variety…

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Webinar recap EVP

Acara’s VP of Business Development and Delivery, Ryan Stenvick, recently conducted a webinar with Lattice’s recruitment program manager, Shayna Bulluck. Lattice is a people performance platform that works “to turn employees into high performers, managers into leaders, and companies into the best place to work.” It offers tools that provide managing techniques for organization leaders…

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Temporary staffing

Temporary staffing has historically been a widely utilized hiring solution for organizations of all shapes and sizes. Due to the current talent shortages throughout the United States, companies are having a difficult time finding workers to serve the needs of their businesses. Driven by a unique recruitment environment, the Great Resignation, and dramatic labor shifts, organizations are…

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Regular post   Retain Talent

Why are so many employees suddenly resigning from their jobs—even without new opportunities lined up? What can businesses do to better retain their talent without losing them to a competitor? Here are some strategies that HR professionals and managers can utilize to prepare for—and hopefully avoid—the turnover wave we are seeing during the Great Realignment….

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Talent and employment experts from across the country argued that ceasing the distribution of federal unemployment benefits would inundate the job market with qualified candidates. So far, their predictions couldn’t be more wrong. A total of 26 states chose to end some—or all—of the expanded unemployment benefits in recent weeks. State and local leaders in…

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Back in March of 2020, like most other Americans, I only expected to be out of the workplace for a short time. Little did I know that COVID-19 would wreak such havoc on our world and impact our lives so dramatically. As managers will soon begin conducting performance reviews on their team members, many of…

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The U.S. labor shortage is real—and only seems to be worsening by the day. According to the latest U.S. Department of Labor JOLTS report, 9.3 million job openings are unfilled—the most on record. Combine this statistic with the number of workers voluntarily quitting their jobs—also at an all-time high at 2.7 percent—and it’s easy to…

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