Job Seekers

Whether you're wondering how to take the first step or looking for tips to stay competitive, our industry experts have all the employment trends, insights, and tips job seekers need to find a fulfilling new career. We have compiled a definitive list of strategies for all levels of career development, from temporary and entry-level, to management and C-suite.

Networking Acara

Shannon Callahan, an Account Executive in our downtown Buffalo branch, shares tips that create comfort and success with networking. To some people—introverts especially—networking feels synonymous with asking for favors, but in today’s world, networking is a necessity. Maintaining a professional network leads to more business opportunities, industry knowledge, and an improved ability to innovate and…

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Francesca Mesiti, a Recruitment Specialist in our Clifton Park, NY office, shares her tips on how to personify healthy confidence within an interview setting. Congratulations! You’ve mastered your phone interview. A hiring manager wants to speak in person regarding an exciting job opportunity. As you prepare, remember that while confidence is a selling point, humility…

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6 Tips to Land Job

You catch wind of the perfect job. Whether you are underpaid, underappreciated, would prefer a shorter drive to work, desire an elevated job title, or are soon to be relocating, this job could be a great fit for your needs. Here are some tips on how to land it.

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Ideal Candidate Banner

You’ve made it past the resume screening phase, and now it’s on to the interview. Since the employer has already reviewed your qualifications on paper, now what? What are employers looking to glean from a candidate during their interview and just who is their ideal candidate? We’ve compiled a list of the most frequent, positive…

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