
Welcome to the Acara recruiting blog! If you’re looking to amplify your corporate talent acquisition strategy, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve spoken to industry experts and studied the latest technology to develop a definitive resource for helpful recruiting tips, staffing best practices, and talent acquisition trends.


The future of work lies in skills—not jobs. The demand for labor during the pandemic recovery is fierce and it’s becoming more difficult to attract workers. There’s an ongoing shift towards a skills-based approach to talent development and retention—through which organizations identify the talent they already have in place and fill in-demand roles internally with…

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Millenials   Reg

In 2016, millennials—people born between 1981 and 1996—became the largest segment of the workforce. By 2025, 75 percent of the global workforce is expected to be comprised of millennials. The oldest millennials are now entering their 40s and moving into management roles. To attract and retain this generation, companies must foster a corporate culture formed…

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Regular post SetBoundaries

An organization’s employees are its most important asset. In today’s candidate-controlled job market, they are a priceless commodity that companies do not want or can afford to lose. In today’s market, companies are faced with talent acquisition challenges that have contributed to a blurring of workplace boundaries and increased employee burnout. When a manager consistently…

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ACR blog Cost of Bad Hire 1124

Businesses never want to make a bad hire. Hiring an employee that isn’t a long-term fit for your organization is counterproductive to your overall success. Not only can time spent on functions like screening, recruiting, and interviewing add up in a hurry, but onboarding and training costs bring additional—and unnecessary—costs into the fold. The Secret…

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ACR blog Recruitment Strategy for Hybrid Workforce 1105

As COVID-19 restrictions ease and vaccination rates rise, employees are asking when and how they will return to the office. As organizations explore the shift away from a fully remote work environment, they need to recognize that the pandemic had a permanent effect on how their employees want to work. Before 2020, remote work was…

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female worker typing at computer

Modern-day job postings have become less about recruiting and more about marketing. Due to such a competitive labor market, organizations need to view their job postings as a valuable opportunity to strategically advertise. Ultimately, how are your HR, recruiting, and talent acquisition teams going to sell prospective candidates on their open job? Here are five…

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city of Toronto skyline

Ontario lawmakers are set to introduce new legislation that will require temporary staffing agencies and recruiters to be licensed to conduct business in the province. The law is designed to ensure that all talent acquisition firms and recruitment specialists operate morally and ethically while placing temporary workers on assignment. Why Use Temporary Staffing Services? Here’s…

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evil pumpkin

Throughout my 10+ years of recruiting for Acara Solutions, I’ve seen it all when dealing with candidates and clients alike. From painfully awkward conversations to moments when I was left utterly speechless, I’ve tucked many of these recruiting horror stories away in my memory bank. As Halloween is just around the corner, I thought I’d…

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man wearing headphones seated at a computer

Ready to begin your next job search? Making a suitable first impression on prospective employers with your resume, during your interview, and throughout the hiring process is critical to your overall success. Looking For a New Job? Here Are 10 Tips to Fix Your Resume To improve job search results and land the employment offer…

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