
Welcome to the Acara recruiting blog! If you’re looking to amplify your corporate talent acquisition strategy, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve spoken to industry experts and studied the latest technology to develop a definitive resource for helpful recruiting tips, staffing best practices, and talent acquisition trends.

6 challenges

Ways to Improve Your Talent Acquisition Approach If you are seeking to hire qualified job candidates, then you already know the pain points associated with the recruitment task at hand. As unfilled job positions and lackluster hires can cost your organization tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on just one hire, HR and TA…

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Year in Review

The Acara team is excited for 2023 and all that it has to offer. But before we get too far into the year, we want to reminisce on all that happened in 2022. Let’s wrap up an amazing, content-packed year with a look at our greatest blog posts. January: What Millennials Want in the Workplace…

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With Employer of Record services—otherwise known as payrolling—the recruitment agency (like Acara) acts as a contract worker’s official employer while that worker performs services for you. As the payroller for your contract hires, the agency assumes all employee classification responsibilities, absorbs all relationship management and clerical duties, and protects you from sensitive co-employment risks. In…

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Temporary staffing

Temporary staffing has historically been a widely utilized hiring solution for organizations of all shapes and sizes. Due to the current talent shortages throughout the United States, companies are having a difficult time finding workers to serve the needs of their businesses. Driven by a unique recruitment environment, the Great Resignation, and dramatic labor shifts, organizations are…

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Social media recruitment

Between the transition and normalization of remote work, the economically uncertain “Great Resignation,” and the ongoing challenge that is the “war for talent,” the changes within today’s job market seem to be completely unpredictable. The newest change within the workforce? The way individuals in the job market are seeking out hiring opportunities. However, this method…

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Corporate videos

It is no secret that video is revolutionizing the way companies hire and advertise open positions. There are numerous benefits that companies can and should be leveraging to stay ahead in the war for talent. However, when you think of promotional corporate videos, what often comes to mind is a professionally scripted and shot video…

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talk to recruiter

Whether you’re reentering the workforce after the pandemic or looking to leave your current position in search of a new challenge, a job search can be daunting and time-consuming. A recruiter can provide tremendous value to you by streamlining the process and matching you with open positions that require your skills and experiences. Recruiters have access to…

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As the capital of Arizona, Phoenix is known for its year-round sun, warm temperatures, amazing resort hotels, luxurious spas, and championship golf courses. Home to everything from beautiful gardens, interesting tourist attractions, and bustling nightlife, Phoenix—located in Maricopa County—certainly has a lot to offer. But the city is much more than fun and sun—it’s also…

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3 Ways to Help Your Employees Find Meaning at Work

Have you ever heard a co-worker, friend, or family member complain about their current work situation? Sometimes it’s about money. Other times it’s about a lack of real leadership. Here’s one you may have heard before, too: “I just feel like my job has no meaning.” Is this a fresh perspective among workers? Does it…

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Rage Quitting

Since the start of the Great Resignation in April of 2021, record numbers of American workers have quit their jobs and it has not always been a preplanned exit. There’s been a spike in the number of employees who rage quit—without a backup plan in place—because they are fed up with their employer and have…

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